Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nothing is Wasted....

Oh my....
So lover of all things music (meaning me...) just heard this song today on the radio for the first time.  I'm not much of a radio person anymore, are you?  I love me some Pandora, love listening on my phone or Kindle to songs I downloaded, still in love with my old school CDs, & if I could find a tape player to play my ancient tapes of DC Talk (first album thus the simple name, DC Talk) & some Psalty for my kids, I totally would  (I think it's like my parents' records - kinda hard to let go!).
Anyway, every now & then when I'm driving I like to turn on the radio to various stations 'cuz I really like all types of music.  Ok, maybe not exactly all because I have trouble getting into really twangy country (the twang just throws me off "y'all", but hold up - I love some good bluegrass!) plus Southern Gospel & I have always had a bit of a struggle (I can't figure it out & for some reason it can't figure me out either), BUT overall I could listen to about anything & not only "appreciate" it, but love it!!
Here's the thing though - if you give me a good beat, good melody & then put in some deep, thoughtful lyrics to go with, I am so lost in you..... Like sing-my-heart-out-in-the-car lost... Like close-your-eyes-&-then-quick-open-them-because-your-driving lost... Like swaying-my-head-&-body, tapping-&-raising-my-hands, swerving-back-&-forth-in-my-lane lost....Get it??
Well, that's what happened when I heard this song today.  And I brought up the radio thing at the beginning in the hopes of saying that maybe you've already heard it & it's been out awhile (totally forgot to get to that point in the first paragraph).
And I'm telling you all the music stuff because the truth is, what was more amazing was that it wasn't necessarily the beat this time (it's true - I'm a sucker for rap & hip-hop... I know what you're thinking -  total white girl addicted to "black music" - - "Wassup wid tha?" -- yep, totally just said that) ....
And it wasn't even that the melody is so catchy that you're whistling it all the time (also a crazy whistler, but not half as crazy as my hubby is - we whistle way more than the average person)...
It was the words.
I got completely lost in the words... and the more I listen, the more lost I am...
'Cuz I look back at so much in my life & I know, I KNOW, nothing is wasted.
And I'm praying that one day I'll look back on this waiting & this journey & know that every day, every week, every month, & every year (because the first one is quickly approaching) has not for ONE SINGLE MOMENT been wasted.
What do you look at in your life & think "Man, what a waste of time...."?  What have you gone through that feels so far gone, so much pain, so much heartache & plain old "ugh" that you just want to forget it ever happened?  You know that thing??  That thing isn't wasted.
And oh my word, is that amazing news or what??
So here it is - this song with amazing lyrics that gets me lost for just a couple minutes.
(Hopefully you can just click on the link but if not, jump onto YouTube & type in Jason Gray's "Nothing is Wasted" - the lyric version!!)

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